Spirited Places > Homes
16 Signs That Your House Is Haunted
I agree, really interesting article, i am going to go back and do some more reading!
I just got around to reading this. Nice article Dianna.
This is a great article Dianna! :ThumbUp:
I have never seen lights turn off or on.. But have heard and seen doors open and close.. as well as my cubboards which have the button that you have to push to unlock it first..
I have never seen a shadow or apparition but have heard voices...
"There's the unmistakable scent of a strange perfume in the air"
funny you should mention that....
I had a car that was haunted once, when the ghost would get mad it would smell like horse or cow poo, very bad smell and I had a hard time controlling the car like at railroad crossings where the worst. The motor would race by it's self. I'd have to put it in park sometimes to keep it from trying to go. it sceared me to drive it, it was like almost new, but I felt like I could not leave town in it. I'd cry everytime I drove it and people were like I love your new car and I hated the thing...what do you say...oh yes it's new but by the way it's a death car.... :yikes: This is a car my (the husband that;s dead) bought and I didn't drive it until the paper work was already done on it.
So what happened to the car? Do you still have it or know where it currently is? Reminds me of the movie call Christine. I think that was the one about the car. There may have been others.
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