Author Topic: Can you train yourself to feel spirits  (Read 30014 times)

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Offline Tonya

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Can you train yourself to feel spirits
« on: Jan 09, 2008, 09:02:01 AM »
First off- I'm not sure if I should have posted this somewhere else, or if here is the place. If I am in the wrong area- if the powers that be could kindly move it to the correct spot for me  :wink5:

Ok- that said, I have always been interested in spirits and ghosts but have never seen or experienced anything that would qualify as an "encounter" with one. My mom was very adamant that noone could see spirits and if they did- it was a demon and they were doing bad things. I don't feel the same way as she does. I think it is a gift to see them and would love to know how to re-program my mind to accept them. Any suggestions as to how I could do that? I do believe that everyone has a gaurdian angel/protector(sp) and that anyone can open themselves up to "seeing", I just don't know how to go about it.  :help:
« Last Edit: Jan 10, 2008, 07:45:37 AM by Tonya »


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Re: Couple questions
« Reply #1 on: Jan 09, 2008, 09:32:20 AM »
Hi Tonya,,, I have no idea if this is the right place or not,,,lol,,, but it works for me.

I can only tell you what works for me, everyone is different.  If other post maybe a combination of what everyone says will work for you or maybe just one or two, or maybe you just have to find on your own, but it will be a start.

When i was a child i was introduce to finding an see spirits under a controlled enviroment,, meaning when my parents seen i could see, they guided me further.  the first lesson i learned was to be quiet... just sit an be still, let your mind think of good things, an just listen to the world or enviroment that is around you.  when you can do that with out worrying about dinner or what is going on, on the boards, or children an hubby, then your ready for the next step.

Now you want to open your mind to nothing, just relax, sit or laydown, how ever you want to, an just meditate.  i pick a flower or a star in my mind an just let myself wander to it.. just float yourself to it,,, then come back,,, these are exercises to open your inner self.  once you do that, you will start to see things in day to day life a little different.  start with that for now,, then please tell us how it is going.

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Re: Couple questions
« Reply #2 on: Jan 09, 2008, 12:41:16 PM »
I sure do like those suggestions biita.  I am with Tonya in that I believe but have not had many experiences, certainly not like a lot of the other members here.  It would sure be nice to be able to open myself up to more.

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Re: Couple questions
« Reply #3 on: Jan 09, 2008, 08:50:10 PM »
Well like i said this is how i was taught, and its for me,, it might not be for you, but its worth a try.  The whole object to feeling what else is out there is to be in tune an inner peace with yourself first.  its kind of a confidence in what you are an what you believe in.. once you have achieved a control over being still, an can then relax your inner self, or i guess you can say soul, then all else will follow, there are a few more steps but i don't want to confuse you by posting them an you then rush yourselves thru this very important part.

I will tell you there is a reason why you have to achieve this first, an its so when you do start to feel spirits, or see them, you don't tense up or get scared,, this is your place in you, that you rely on to be calm, and still so you can feel with out panic.

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Re: Couple questions
« Reply #4 on: Jan 09, 2008, 09:33:53 PM »
Well Tonya, I bet you have asked a question that lots of folks have wanted to ask but just didn't know how to.  :ThumbUp:  As this topic progresses we may change the name as I imagine it will become quite interesting.  The board indexes the topics on the Subject and then within the post, so changing the subject to something like "Can you train yourself to feel spirits" or something like that will help that process.

Great suggestions biita.  Keep it going!
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Re: Couple questions
« Reply #5 on: Jan 10, 2008, 07:45:20 AM »
Great suggestions biita~~ thanks! I will try what you suggested. Relaxing is not my strong point. I am a very nervous person and with 2 kids around I seldom get time alone to meditate. I will work on it, tho!

Jim- I am editing my post to change the title to what you suggested so it will work better with the system~ Thanks! :kissies:

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Re: Can you train yourself to feel spirits
« Reply #6 on: Jan 10, 2008, 09:01:56 AM »
How often should you do this?  Once a day, week, month or is each person different?  Is there a time that would better get the results that you are expecting?  Should you do this first thing in the morning when you are fresh or late in the evening when you are tired?  I used to listen to some self-hypnosis tapes and I always fell asleep.  :smile:

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Re: Can you train yourself to feel spirits
« Reply #7 on: Jan 10, 2008, 11:31:03 AM »
lol, Jim, thats something that happens to alot of people,, an believe me sometimes it happens to me.. 

What i have found when you are at your most busiest, an you feel like %&€# I need a break,, you know what, you do,, take 5 minutes, maybe 10, do this as your sitting there an papers or what ever spread out.  or close the laptop or  shut off the screen on the computer for those minutes,, with the kids,, i had 2 myself, an you can always find 5 minutes,, even 10,,, you sit to watch tv right, or stop to talk on the phone, or take a bath or shower,,, extend those times to that 5 or 10 minutes extra.  make time,, if you can make time to pop popcorn, or go out an look at the sky, then you can do this too.  find a spot,,, i am not kidding you when my kids were little it was in the cellar near the washer an dryer... i used to go sit down near there,  do my thing,,, then throw a load of clothes in,,lol.  if you need more time then split it up as many times a day you want to,, or if you have a whole half hour, then do it all there,,, this is an excersise in taking control of your inner self.  believe me this helps so much not just with talking an seeing spirits but with everyday life also.  its about being in control with life, feeling whats around you,, to me things like trees an grass, flowers have a whole new glow to them, an i see it because i take the time to connect my soul to other spiritual life that is running all around us.....

I will say i don't do this everyday now,, but for years i did.  Homework,, i meditate first, then do that second.  in school, study halls,,, its so easy to just meditate.  do you see what i am saying,  there is always time, we just have to want to make it and do it.  If you work,, wake up 15 minutes earlier,, this is about disipline an controling yourself from the inside out.  or go to bed 15minutes later,,, always time, you have to want it tho.  BUT the most important thing of all is learning to trust your intuitions, those i believe come from your guides/spirits, an this is the beginning to putting you intouch with them......

The next step is to feel who is near you,, inside your head and out.

How come no one else is giving their info,,,, come on, i know there are some of you who have guides/spirits that help you,, and i know some of you can see spirits,,,, i've read the stories.....okay some of them anyways,,,,

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Re: Can you train yourself to feel spirits
« Reply #8 on: Jan 11, 2008, 03:07:40 AM »

Actually, Biita, you were doing such a great job,  :ThumbUp:  I didn't want to interrupt you! :smileyNo:  Some of what you suggest is similar to things I do, but the one thing I find most helpful for me, whenever I'm trying to meditate or get in touch with my Inner Spirit, is to use a tape or CD with nature sounds on it.  :yesssss:  I can get lost in them and go to places I've never been before.  :wink5:  But like you said, I feel every person has to try to find what things work best for them, because I find it varies from individual to individual.  ;) 
"Lord, I love you and I need you, come into my heart, and bless me, my family, my home, and my friends, in Jesus' name. Amen!"


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Re: Can you train yourself to feel spirits
« Reply #9 on: Jan 12, 2008, 05:25:42 AM »
yesssssss!!!!!   great suggestion Patti.  i was actually going to suggest that next on here as something that i do also, but not all the time.  I only do this once in awhile,, i have a cd that i will put on, an its in ancient norwegian,, the language of the vikings,, today it would be associated with Islandic.  but its the saga's, or the håvamal, put to music.  the music is very earthy, an very slow.  the stories are told or sung.  but its the point for me its the language of my 2 guys. 

okay what i was going to also suggest is that if you have achieved the point to where you can control yourself when in a meditative state, where you can be quiet, still, an also let your body an mind just relax to the point where you can see the distance an float to it an back.  this is the next level.  open your heart.  open it an feel love for every sound you hear, every thing you see.  you have to be love.  (for the parents out there, think of when your child or children was born, the emotions you had when you first looked into that little face)  thats the love i'm talking about, pure, innocent, unadulterated love.  A love for your God. A love for your child. A love for your life.  Feel it, an open your heart to it all.  this is your protection an will bring you your guide or guides.  this may take a few times to do this.  call out for your guide to come to you,, it will know when you are ready, then show itself.  so don't get discourage if this doesn't happen right away.  your guide will always call you by name.  if you ever get a bad feeling,,, i'm not talking scared, or shocked, but you can feel evil,,, this is your realm, you have the power in your heart to get rid of it.  it will go.  wait for your guide to come.  like i said this may take a few times.  don't be shocked if your guide comes as an animal.  it will talk in your head.  when the feeling is right, you will know.  ask who it is.  ask what it is there to do.  then ask your guide to teach you.  it will start to reveal things to you, an these are real lessons.. an will be given according to your mental awareness,,, so listen an learn.  an don't get mad if your guide feels you are not ready to go traveling yet.  or not ready to know certain things.  it will come but when you are ready.

also i would really like to know from anyone who is doing this if it is going well or not,, maybe there is something that can be changed,,, if your embarressed or don't want others to know,,, just PM me or someone you trust.

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Re: Can you train yourself to feel spirits
« Reply #10 on: Jan 12, 2008, 05:54:17 AM »
Actually, Biita, I've tried some different things over the years (e.g. music, prayers, etc.) but it seemed like I always had my best success with the sounds of nature.  I have several tapes and CD's with all kinds of different sounds, so I just pick what I believe might work for me that night (e.g. distant thunder, water, forest sounds, birds,  etc.).  You know, it seems the one that always seems to work better than the others for me is the distant thunder, which is pretty surprising since I'm afraid of storms.  :scaredy:   
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Offline Bonnie

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Re: Can you train yourself to feel spirits
« Reply #11 on: Jan 18, 2008, 11:00:02 PM »
Now, how in the heck did I miss this thread? Sounds like some great advise to me. I can say from experience that with meditation the more you do it the quicker you are able to get to the altered state of mind.
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Re: Can you train yourself to feel spirits
« Reply #12 on: Jan 18, 2008, 11:45:29 PM »
Hey, you're right on with this one, Bonnie!  Actually, meditation is already an altered state of consciousness!  ;)   
"Lord, I love you and I need you, come into my heart, and bless me, my family, my home, and my friends, in Jesus' name. Amen!"

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Re: Can you train yourself to feel spirits
« Reply #13 on: Jan 22, 2008, 09:16:43 PM »
Actually, meditation is already an altered state of consciousness!

Now I'm confused because I was taught that the altered state of consciousness is obtained through meditation.
Altered state of consciousness actually meaning a higher state of consciousness and inner awareness.

Help me out here. Maybe we mean the same thing or maybe I'm wrong.
« Last Edit: Jan 22, 2008, 09:18:35 PM by Bonnie »
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Re: Can you train yourself to feel spirits
« Reply #14 on: Jan 23, 2008, 12:51:49 AM »
Actually, Bonnie, I think we're talking about the same thing. ;)  An altered state of consciousness is when induced changes in one's mental state becomes significantly different from the normal waking beta wave state.  This can be achieved in many different ways.  Once you start drinking alcohol, using drugs, start meditating, etc.  you're already entering an altered state of consciousness. 
« Last Edit: Jan 23, 2008, 12:53:28 AM by patches »
"Lord, I love you and I need you, come into my heart, and bless me, my family, my home, and my friends, in Jesus' name. Amen!"

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Re: Can you train yourself to feel spirits
« Reply #15 on: Jan 25, 2008, 12:43:24 AM »
Thanks, that clears it up for me. Sometimes my head jumps timing and get a little confused.
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Re: Can you train yourself to feel spirits
« Reply #16 on: Jan 25, 2008, 01:22:43 AM »
Hey, Bonnie, you didn't jump timing and you weren't confused.  :smileyNo:  Actually you were right on target! :ThumbUp:  People may use alcohol, drugs, meditation or hypnosis to achieve an altered state of consciousness, like you stated. ;)  However, I'm required to teach according to the textbook which says, that once you begin using any of these methods you have already altered your state of consciousness, which would be true.   :Whis:
« Last Edit: Jan 25, 2008, 01:25:46 AM by patches »
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Re: Can you train yourself to feel spirits
« Reply #17 on: Jun 18, 2013, 09:18:23 PM »
so i just read this thread, and figured i'd add my 2 cents worth, in case anyone is still interested.

spirits (and the communication with them) falls into the same territory (as far as i am concerned) as telepathic (non verbal/visual) communication, intuition, premonitions, etc.  one thing i learned from one of my great aunts, is that being open (or having a "window" as stated in another thread) to the experience is important BUT, just like a house, you need screens on the windows.  to keep the bugs out.  but if you have the window open, you might discover that you have more than just the ability to communicate with spirits.  you might find yourself communicating with living relatives or having intuitions/premonitions (which i believe are warnings of possible future events from the spirit world).  this partially involves allowing yourself to think about, and talk to, those who you love who have passed on.  it does help with the communication.
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