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Forum Guidelines - Guests Start Here
Welcome to Southern Spirit Hunters - A discussion forum where everyone can come and discuss every aspect of the paranormal and gardening. Feel free to browse the topics without registering. Please understand that there are some areas that you will not be able to see until you register an account with us. We hope you will register and become a part of our little community.
After registering you will have access to the most popular areas on the forum.
Thanks for stopping by and we hope you register soon.
We have been having some difficulty with emails sent out from the board to MSN/Hotmail accounts. If you attempt to register with a MSN/Hotmail account, the board will not accept that as a valid email address.
I'm sorry that we had to go to these measures but MSN/Hotmail is the ONLY ones we have had problems with and this is my way of fixing it.
It appears that this is fixed. I have removed the restriction on MSN/Hotmail accounts.
It appears that Yahoo is also doing something with emails from the forum. If you join with a Yahoo email address, be sure and check your Spam folder because for some reason Yahoo sends lots of the forum emails to bulk or spam. If you haven't received your activation email after joining, be sure and contact me at
If you decide to join us and register, please pick a username that is family oriented. If you pick something that I find offensive, I can pretty much guarantee that your account will be deleted. This is a family oriented forum and vulgar or offensive usernames will not be tolerated.
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