Author Topic: Cemetery Outings  (Read 6812 times)

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Offline Jim

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Cemetery Outings
« on: Aug 04, 2006, 09:03:24 AM »
I wanted to get something going in this topic so here it is.  Going to cemeteries can be interesting the first time out. I know I was a little leery of it myself, but my interest dragged me along.  :grinnnn:

Before you plan your cemetery outing, make sure you find out if it is on private property. Most are.  Drive to the site in the day time and look for posted signs.  Don't just look near the gate or entrance, look above eye level in the trees and all around. One good way to find out who owns the cemetery is to contact the local funeral homes in the area.  The majority of them will know who owns or is the caretaker.  Once you know who to talk to, you can contact them and attempt to obtain permission.  Keep in mind that there are lots of folks that don't understand our interest ( they think we are crazy ::) ) so be prepared to answer some questions.  Be honest and if you noticed that the place needed some work when you visited during the day, offer to accomplish that.  It might get you permission where others have been turned down.

Now that you've got permission, you still need to do some planning in order for the outing to be successful.  Limit the number of folks in your team according to the size of the cemetery. You don't want the cameras causing problems among team members.  It is a good idea to meet at the site early and go over how you want to cover the area.

I'll add more later...or maybe another member will post the prayer that we need to recite next...

« Last Edit: Dec 12, 2007, 09:16:05 PM by Jim »
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Offline Jayrod1972

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Re: Cemetery Outings
« Reply #1 on: Jan 29, 2008, 05:46:33 PM »
Jim, you do have very good points... I have also read that before doing outing in cemeteries or other properity visits, that you make up permission forms, member attendance forms, eqiopment forms, and responsibality froms, these are good to have that way if law enforcement show up you have some kind of paperwork that shows you have the right to be there, alonmg wiht the signature of the person that gave permission. But, also the person that gives poermission needs to call the local police dept. to give them aheads up just in case. I would like to stress that if you do a outting, please do not go alone.
“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me”

Offline Jim

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Re: Cemetery Outings
« Reply #2 on: Jan 29, 2008, 09:31:28 PM »
Thanks for bumping this topic up Jarod.  Sometimes we forget about some of them as you can see I did on this one. 

Lots of public cemeteries have posted hours and it's unlawful to enter them after those hours.  You can make some phone calls to the local authorities and inquire about conducting an outing there though.  Some are very cooperative, others are not.

Getting a signed permission form is a good idea, and contacting law enforcement is something that should be done also.  Make sure there are no local ordinances about being in cemeteries after dark and take a copy of your permission form by the law enforcement desk that has responsibility for that area.

Your comments on the other forms are absolutely right but we have another board category for that.,8.0.html
« Last Edit: Jan 29, 2008, 09:33:18 PM by Jim »
Former SMF Support Specialist


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