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News - Server Move

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I am glad it wasn't me. I figured the down time today was the move.

I was told today, moving us will be the priority now.  We are on a shared server.  That means there are about 12 sites on the same server and we share resources.  It is the host responsibility to screen the sites and make sure one is not causing undue problems to the others.  There are some times that things could become slow but for the most part 12 sites is not a lot.  Having said that if one of the sites does something to use all the resources of the server, we all suffer.  It's up to the host to make sure that doesn't happen. 

By the end of this month, if things haven't been fixed, I will move the site.  I've had enough.  This host has the best rep out there but if he don't get things fixed soon, he can count me as one unhappy previous customer.  And I'll probably not keep my mouth shut about it either!

We are experiencing some long load times again and as of right now the server move that was scheduled in July is going to happen at 11:00PM EDT tonight.  You may experience long load times and sluggish operation of the forum until this move is completed.  Bear with us today and this evening and hopefully everything will be back to normal tomorrow.  The move shouldn't take more than a couple of hours at the most.  Sorry for the inconvenience but our host thinks this is the best way to resolve the problem.  They are the experts.

This too will pass Jim.  Thanks for the heads up.  I was wondering what was going on when I was getting a loading error.

The move seems to be complete.  There may be a few directory paths that I will have to fight with but it shouldn't be anything major.  The domain has to update so until then you will see a redirect address in you address bar.  Additionally the nameservers had to be updated.  All of those are what allows folks to find us using the search engines.  Everything should be back to normal later today.

I sure hope this fixes our long load time problem.  It is pretty zippy this morning.

Thanks for your patience.


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