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Tarot Cards - 2
« on: Jan 15, 2009, 01:17:31 PM »
Here you go Tammy.

We are all under the same stars, therefore we are never far apart.

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Re: Tarot Cards - 2
« Reply #1 on: Jan 15, 2009, 02:49:04 PM »
Thanks Triss

If you want a reading from me please tell me what day and time you can sit down and meditate for about 20 minutes.  I'll shuffle the cards for you and do the reading.  You'll have to send me your e-mail address because I can't pm on this site.  I can read them but I can't respond to them. 

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Re: Tarot Cards - 2
« Reply #2 on: Jan 15, 2009, 03:23:34 PM »
Ok, Ill probably be on here tomorrow sometime and be able to meditate but not sure what time. Ill just look and see if your on an if u have time then we can do it! Thanks duh

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Re: Tarot Cards - 2
« Reply #3 on: Jan 15, 2009, 09:52:53 PM »
no problem look forward to it.

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Re: Tarot Cards - 2
« Reply #4 on: Jan 13, 2010, 08:21:13 AM »
I had a most interesting thing happen with my cards.  The last two cards for my last two reading were the same cards.  Has anyone else ever had that happen.  Is it as weird as it seems to me?

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Re: Tarot Cards - 2
« Reply #5 on: Jan 13, 2010, 08:30:18 AM »
Hmmm, that does seem odd to me too Tammy, is there someone you can check with to see what it means (if anything)?

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Re: Tarot Cards - 2
« Reply #6 on: Jan 13, 2010, 08:58:05 AM »
No I don't really know anyone outside of our group here who is interested in these types of interests.

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Re: Tarot Cards - 2
« Reply #7 on: Jan 13, 2010, 10:17:24 AM »
Can't 1 tarot card have 2 separate meanings?


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Re: Tarot Cards - 2
« Reply #8 on: Jan 13, 2010, 11:04:01 AM »
I know absolutely nothing about tarot cards but it would be fun to have a reading once. 

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Re: Tarot Cards - 2
« Reply #9 on: Jan 13, 2010, 04:38:16 PM »
Just curious, What two cards was it and what kind of lay out do you use?
This is me ->?

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Re: Tarot Cards - 2
« Reply #10 on: Jan 13, 2010, 05:19:30 PM »
it's the 10 card layout.  The two cards were the hangman and the 10 of swords and they were in the same positions on the board the hangman was in the environmental placement and the 10 of swords was in the final destination placement.

Jessica I would love to do a reading for you.  I'll pm you with the results of your reading in the morning.  Please let me know if it seems to fit.

Bestofour that's very true.  They are kind of like a series of guideposts.  What I actually see is specific to the person I am reading for the cards just direct my attention to where to look.  Does that make sense?

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Re: Tarot Cards - 2
« Reply #11 on: Jan 13, 2010, 05:39:07 PM »
Makes sense.

Maybe the people for whom you did the readings are in similar places in life right now.

Hangman - that sounds ominous.

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Re: Tarot Cards - 2
« Reply #12 on: Jan 13, 2010, 07:00:08 PM »
Hangman only means there is a change coming nothing more.  I know it sounds scary.  But truly the one that is frightening to me is the tower.  The last time that showed up the guys girlfriend caused a fire in their bedroom.  I was working downstairs in the lobby at the time.  I prefer not to see that card anymore.


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Re: Tarot Cards - 2
« Reply #13 on: Jan 13, 2010, 08:27:09 PM »
Tammy, I would love for you to do a reading for me.  Let me know when and what I have to do!  Thank you1

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Re: Tarot Cards - 2
« Reply #14 on: Jan 15, 2010, 08:33:29 PM »
Tammy, the pattern I read is the Celtic Cross.  It is a 10 card spread too.  I had the same card come out at the end of two readings before, but I was reading the same situation for two different people.  I did separate readings for a boyfriend/girlfriend who were in a toxic relationship.  Basically, it said they could only love each other from a distance.  They weren't ready to hear it and the relationship continued to deteriorate with escalating violence.  Eventually, she had to leave him.  I think he would have taken her life if she did not.  What deck to you use?  I use The Mythic Tarot.  I really enjoy the way these cards express themselves, both visually and in literal meaning, and sometimes, even humorously.

Have you ever had a reading where every one of the cards was a major card?  I did - once.

Anyway, I too share your interest.

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Re: Tarot Cards - 2
« Reply #15 on: Jan 16, 2010, 07:48:36 AM »
i've never had major cards all the way through but then I'm pretty new to reading cards.  I don't think I've ever seen a mythic Tarot Deck.  I have a deck given to my by Dianna and Jim and an old deck that has been around for a long time.

I can understand how those two people would have matching environment and end result it makes sense. 

I've really enjoyed reading your post.  I hope to see more of your posts.

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Re: Tarot Cards - 2
« Reply #16 on: Jan 16, 2010, 09:43:49 AM »
Tammy, I was wondering about the matching environment you describe, as was the case with the couple that I read separately.  Do you know where Jim and Dianna got the deck from and if it was actively used by someone else?  To some extent, I think that the cards absorb the energy and influence from the reader using them, and as a result, the same deck will not read exactly the same way for different people and the differences may even increase over time.  For that reason, I would be a little leery of using a deck that was well used and personal to someone else.  However, that being said, if you feel as though you have "connected" with the cards, and have a good feeling about them, then I would continue to use them at this point.

Because they can also pickup vibrations and energy from the environment around us, I keep mine in a carved wooden chest that is about 12 inches long by about 10 inches wide and about 10 inches tall.  The box has a pleasant smell when you open it.  I think it might be sandalwood on the inside.  I found it at a flea market.  Using cardboard cut outs, I cut the pieces of the cardboard to perfectly fit the interior of the box. Then, I covered each piece of cardboard with black velvet, and glued them into the box.  Black is a neutral color, so it gives off no influence of its own.  This has become the home for my cards, as well as any other spiritual item I may ever use. 

My deck also came with a paperback translation book, which can fit in the box as well.  In addition, it included the black cloth with the Celtic cross pattern on it, which I wrap the cards back up in after every reading.

I have been reading on and off for about 14 years now, and the readings are strong and clear.  Although some may take issue with this, I pray for guidance, clarity, protection, and a clear direction for the person I am reading before I do every reading.  If the subject is with me, I pray while they are with me.  After each reading, I also offer up a prayer of thanks, and I ask that the subject of the reading have the wisdom to know how to apply what they have seen to their lives in the most positive way.

Whether they are stuck in a rut and in an unhappy life, or whether they have no clear direction of where they should be heading, or whether they are moving forward with some well laid plan and are just looking for a confirmation that they are doing is what they should be doing, I believe that the readings can be a calming and healing experience for many, and can help to break them out of bad cycles, once they are able to see it. 

The most rewarding thing about doing readings, to me, is to see the light go on for the person you are reading.  When the reflection of their current life cycle, piece by piece, is finally completed, and they stare at it in wonder at the layout, and sometimes in deep thought as well.  Each of us can eventually see when we continue to experience the same cycle or set of circumstances over and over.  However, we may not always see what it is within us, or outside of us, that allows us to be trapped in these repeating cycles, and the cards are a perfect mechanism to help reveal this.  It is that understanding that I believe allows them to break the cycle, and move on to the next lesson of their life.

I still recall one reading in particular, where the woman told me after the reading that she had been through years of therapy, and had even paid thousands of dollars to go to numerous self help classes to clear some of the emotional blocks and baggage that she had been carrying for years, and none of these things had ever really helped her.  She then proceeded to tell me that in the course of the reading, something had been “lifted” off of her, and she knew going forward, that her life would not be the same.

I have generally only read people that were referred to me by others.  I have found that the greater the need, the more profound the readings become, and as a result, I have generally shied away from "casual" readings.  This is in part to the fact that the readings do take some investment of time and energy, and I only want to do them when I sense a true need.

There is one other rule I have also followed that may help you some as well.  I always tell the reader that I do not want to know any specifics about what they are having problems with, or what caused them to seek out a reading.  I don't want to have to feel that I am tempering my reading according to their specific need.  The biggest part of this is that sometimes, marital issues may be the driving force, and I personally never wanted to feel responsible for breaking up a family, although many would argue that the family in question are already broken, and all the cards do is reflect that back to the subject.  I would just prefer not to know, so that I can read clearly for them and tell them what I see in the cards, untainted.  Also, I have learned that the cards will show what is most important to the person being read.  The problem that they perceive when they seek out a reading, may only be the tip if the iceberg, and the reading may go many levels deeper than that.  As such, I tell them to let me finish the entire reading, and if they don't feel that the reading has clearly answered the questions that they came with, they can ask additional questions at that time.  Rarely is anyone confused by the time the reading is done, although they may still be "processing" all of the information that came out of the reading.  By the end of the reading, I even know what the subject of the reading was, and have a clear perception of the guidance that was given.

Another important rule I use is I tell all of the people I read that when the reading is done, I will release it from me and will not recall any more details regarding it.  This frees them, as it frees you, and I pay it no mind once it is finished.  After all, we are only messengers, and once the message has been delivered, there is no reason to continue to hold it.

I, like you, have sometimes done long distance readings.  There is no space and time when it comes to spiritual things, which is why we are able to do it.  However, there is an added level that the subject will miss, that comes from having them there with you, watching or participating in the selection of the cards, and appreciating how neatly they presented themselves for each part of the reading.  This goes a long way in helping them see that it is not by chance that the cards come out where they do, and that there is divine intervention occurring.

Nevertheless, I have many friends and family far away who I may not have the benefit of sitting with, and when the need arises, I will usually offer whatever assistance I can.

Reading tarot cards has been incredibly rewarding to me on a spiritual level, and it has benefited me personally in my life since I now see patterns all around me, and can generally sense what people that I have not read are going through.  I have also had the joy of meeting people from all walks of life, which have even included a Hollywood movie producer, and a former Senator.

The spiritual journey is common to all, whether they realize that they are on the path or not.

Here is a link to an article I saw in the feed that we have attached to this site.  In my opinion, it was one of the simplest and best explanations of what tarot readings do that I have read.  If you have not seen it, give it a look.,-in-This-Physical-World&id=3475115

Lastly, here is a link to a website with a course on learning to read tarot for anyone else reading this thread, and feeling that the call to serve their fellow man.  One of my favorite things about this site is if you click on the “decks” at the bottom, they have many decks listed alphabetically, or by subject matter.  If you want cards that depict angels, animals, or Native Americans, or whatever you may be seeking, they list many of these decks and provide you with links where you may purchase them.  They also give you a brief description of the deck in question, and what comes with it.
« Last Edit: Jan 16, 2010, 09:53:13 AM by Shaman »

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Re: Tarot Cards - 2
« Reply #17 on: Jan 16, 2010, 10:21:13 AM »
Shaman, True Love Tarot is the deck that we sent Tammy. We bought it at the mall in Sumter. It was a brand new deck and Jim bought one for me because I really liked how they looked and felt in the hand. I have always heard that you don't buy your own, that they should be given as a gift to you, and that you don't let others handle them, so I wanted her to have something that would fit that criteria since I knew she was interested in Tarot. The deck, also, came with a nice guidebook. :grinnnn:

I have the Fortune Telling Nova deck along with a deck of cards for palm reading, too. It is a nice little set. Aunt Bonnie gave me a tarot deck that I have put up somewhere and haven't been able to locate. I have moved a couple of times since they were given to me, so they are probably still packed up. :Blush: It is the Rider-Waite deck.

Jim and I bought Aunt Bonnie the Witches Tarot deck for her birthday one year. It is a beautiful deck...

Which deck(s) do you use?
« Last Edit: Jan 16, 2010, 10:33:31 AM by Dianna »
"Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dream. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success." - Lao Tzu

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Re: Tarot Cards - 2
« Reply #18 on: Jan 16, 2010, 02:30:08 PM »
Jim and Dianna's Deck that they sent me I haven't opened yet.  I'm waiting for the old deck to wear out.  I know I'm crazy.  Their deck resides above my head as I sleep in my headboard book shelf.  I love looking at it and remembering that it was given to me by dear friends.

My old deck is from a friend who was also interested in tarot.  She had, had the deck for about 18 months when she gave it to me.  It has been incredible accurate which is probably part of the reason I haven't changed over.  I keep it wrapped in silk that was also given to me.  Occassionally it does need to be cleared.  I will definitely begin using your second prayer to help in that process.  Like you, I have always prayed to be a good conduit for the message before a reading.  Otherwise people end up with my opinion which isn't worth squat.

Like you I don't want to be hounded by a reading after it has been given, although there are some readings that I have never forgotten.  There accuracy was just too uncanny.

I do have the hardest time not getting personally involved with a reading.  So I understand what you mean about not wanting to know the specifics.  I'm enough of a control freak that I'd definitely put my 2 cents in if it gets to specific and that is never helpful in my case.

I am always curious about the accurancy of any given reading but then that too is subjective isn't it?  I mean two people can see the same event but describe it entirely differently.


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Re: Tarot Cards - 2
« Reply #19 on: Jan 16, 2010, 08:28:50 PM »
Tammy, years ago, I stared reading runes, after I did each Tarot reading as a confirmation of the card reading.  Over time, I began to notice that there were runes that were almost exact representations of some of the cards.  Even more amazing, the Runes would repeat the same counsel that the cards had just given.  I don't think you have to worry about the accuracy of your readings.  Call it a gut feeling, but I am certain you are right on point.

You are right that two people could see the same event and describe it differently.  With spiritual things, there is the added layer of what level of spiritual development each person is on as well.  Sometimes, I worry that what I am talking about may sound like a foreign language to the person I am doing the reading for,  but I always believe, in the end, the message gets across as it needs to, for their benefit.

Dianna, I read The Mythic Tarot. Here is a link that shows some of the pictorial representations of the cards.

The thing I love about the Mythic Tarot deck is that each suit is a representation of a different legend, and if you know the legend, you begin to know the meaning of the card just by the images represented, and  the part of the story that you know the card represents.  These cards read gently and kindly, while still delivering the message.  They were given to me by my mother, who strangely, doesn't even remember giving them to me!  Greek legends, with Gods, Goddesses, superheros, and regular people turned heroes.  One example - The Star in this deck is a representation of Pandora, immediately after opening the box and releasing the things that would torment man.  She kneels naked and exposed before the box, suffering for what she has just released, and yet she gazes to heaven to see the Star of Hope shining above it all.  A wonderful representation.

I do believe that the cards are more special when they are a gift, but I don't think that would prevent anyone from choosing a deck that they might like better.  The decks themselves seem to have unique personalities, and I think it is more important to have a good match, between the reader and the deck.  

I did also purchase a second tarot deck as well many years ago.  That deck is Russian Tarot of St. Petersburg.  I used it probably only twice, and they read quite bluntly and even a little mean at times.  I decided at that point that hurting anyones feelings or blatantly calling them liars or fakes would not get the more important, underlying messages across, so the deck has taken up residence in my wooden box and has not come out in years, except for tonight, so I could look at them while I tell you about them.  You know the saying, it's not what you say, it's how you say it?  I believe that saying, and this deck is more "in your face" than the Mythic Tarot.  I supposed that if I ever think that someone needs a harsh dose of reality because a "softer" message won't get the point across, I may decide to bring that deck back out again for a "special" reading!

« Last Edit: Jan 16, 2010, 08:31:04 PM by Shaman »

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Re: Tarot Cards - 2
« Reply #20 on: Jan 16, 2010, 08:52:08 PM »
That is a very interesting point.  I'm blunt to the point of rude - ok well past the point of rude - and the cards have always seemed that way too.  I frequently struggle to find wording that isn't offensive.  Maybe Dianna's love deck would be much better for me.

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Re: Tarot Cards - 2
« Reply #21 on: Jan 16, 2010, 09:08:29 PM »
That is a pretty deck, Shaman... :grinnnn:

I really think that the Llewellyn deck is a beautifully illustrated deck. It is based on the legends and mythology of Wales. One day I will have that deck, but for now, I haven't had much interest in reading cards. I feel scatter-brained, if that makes sense and might would have a hard time learning the cards... :Wacko:

When I was younger, I was told I was too honest, too blunt, and that I hurt others' feelings. I have learned some tact in my older years...  :wink5:
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Re: Tarot Cards - 2
« Reply #22 on: Jan 16, 2010, 09:20:56 PM »
That is a very interesting point.  I'm blunt to the point of rude - ok well past the point of rude - and the cards have always seemed that way too.  I frequently struggle to find wording that isn't offensive.  Maybe Dianna's love deck would be much better for me.

I like people who don't play games and say it like it is.  It saves feelings in the end to me.

But Dianna, you can be honest with a little tact.  :Halo: :Whis:

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Re: Tarot Cards - 2
« Reply #23 on: Jan 16, 2010, 09:39:18 PM »
Dianna, I agree with you about the Llewellyn deck.  I think I could fall in love with them too.  The representations are truly beautiful and I think I would very much enjoy looking at them when doing readings. 


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