Author Topic: My transformation...  (Read 4348 times)

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My transformation...
« on: Apr 12, 2007, 01:19:11 AM »
All my life I have been known by many people as "The Black Thumb" for my lack of luck in growing things, until I decided that gardening was going to become my hobby. Being unexperienced in actually succeeding in such things I decided that the best thing to do was to find a plant that was easy to care for. I also wanted at least 2 different types of plants so I could say I really succeeded. Lol. Since I didn't have a lot of knowledge when it came to gardening I figured the best thing to do was to plant them in pots so that if I didn't succeed I could easily get rid of the plants. (Also because I live in an apartment building that doesn't allow you to plant in the ground. Hehe) I knew potting them meant that the plants couldn't be anything deep rooted. So I gathered my seeds together and sorted them. One stack for deep rooted and one stack for pottables. :D From there I figured I would want the plants to have similar care needs so that I didn't over water, under light one and under water, over light the other. So I picked Dwarf Zinnia's and Purple Wave Petunia's. Very pretty plants I might add. Both require lots of water and lots of sun. Easy enough. Lol. I put them on the porch and have been making sure that the soil stays moist, not drowned but moist. So far they are sprouting very nicely. So far I would say I have kicked my "Black Thumb". I am sooo happy that my experiment is working that I just had to share it. This is something I would recommend any beginner gardener/former black thumb to try. It worked for me. :D I am now the "Proud Momma" of baby plants. I will keep you updated on how they are doing and as soon as I get my digicam I will get some pictures put on here for you! Alright well as Dianna likes to say "I am going to get off the soap box for now and let someone else have it."
« Last Edit: Apr 15, 2007, 06:03:04 PM by littlebrat »

Offline Patty S

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Re: My transformation...
« Reply #1 on: Apr 12, 2007, 01:50:10 AM »
YIPPEE! April is growing some flowers!

You say that the Petunias have been easy to start, so you must be doing something right, cuz I could never make them work for me... & I dont really have much luck keeping them alive when I buy them already in bloom!

I don't know why or how our black thumbs turn green suddenly... I used to not be able to keep houseplants alive, but now I have Orchids & all kinds of house plants that just won't quit! I killed a Purple Passion plant once, after I was told that it's nearly impossible to do that, so I gave up for a long, long time!  Now that I know a little more about them, I think I loved it to death by watering it all the time!  I've got my eye out for another one so I can try again, but havent come across any yet.

So where are the pics of your little sprout babies? I don't want to wait until they have flowers on them... I'd rather have you share them now so we can watch them grow up, too!
« Last Edit: Apr 12, 2007, 01:52:41 AM by Patty S »

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Re: My transformation...
« Reply #2 on: Apr 14, 2007, 07:43:45 PM »
We will be looking forward to your progress, April. Like Patty says, "Where's the pics?"  ;D

The first plant I was ever able to keep alive, was a peace lily that I received from my mother's funeral. I never had a green thumb, and little interest in plants, until then. I still have that peace lily...

When I moved to SC, Aunt Bonnie peaked my interest with her gardening habit. I quickly became addicted, too!  :D  She has taught me a lot about gardening....

Jim swears that we are living in a jungle sometimes! I have plants all over the house. Guess I will be posting pics in the "House Plants" topic Aunt Bonnie started soon...

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