Author Topic: What I do in Cemeteries  (Read 6506 times)

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Offline Peggy

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What I do in Cemeteries
« on: Apr 26, 2007, 11:56:43 PM »
I just thought I'd throw in a word or two since I strolled by this area, and it caught my eye.

I go to cemeteries and take photos of the headstones and donate the photos to websites that archive them for others... its part of the genealogy hobby.

And I also, read your posts and got to wondering... when I was in my 20's...  I lived down the road from an OLD cemetery...that was grown up (under a canopy of trees), in a cow pature, and obviously abandoned.  I was sad then, and still wonder about it today... It was on Neville-Penn Road in Clermont County, Ohio.  There was no obvious road in there.  My husband (at that time) and I walked in there. Dates on those headstones that were readable were from the mid 1800's. 

We heard stories of haunting up and down that whole road, and supposedly we had an indian spirit that haunted where we lived on the road.  I never did meet up with him/her. 

But, I'll tell ya, I Never forgot about that cemetery either--or the disrespect that the folks of 20 years ago were showing to those pioneers that came before them.

--Nuff said!! :) Peg
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Re: What I do in Cemeteries
« Reply #1 on: Apr 27, 2007, 07:32:02 AM »
I go to cemeteries and take photos of the headstones and donate the photos to websites that archive them for others... its part of the genealogy hobby.

Hey now that's a great idea. Is this a private site?

Ghost Hunters normally have plenty of cemetery pictures. I'm sure some of the headstones would be legible.

Just a thought.

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Re: What I do in Cemeteries
« Reply #2 on: Apr 27, 2007, 08:23:01 AM »
We enjoy walking the cemeteries for pretty much the same reason.  There are so many different headstones and you never know what you may find on one.  I enjoy taking pics of the unusual ones.  Walking them at night adds another dimension that is really hard to explain. 

Interesting that you donate the photos to a website.  You might have to tell us some more about that. 
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Re: What I do in Cemeteries
« Reply #3 on: Apr 27, 2007, 04:06:53 PM »
I love walking in old cemeteries, Peggy.

Jim's parents have land in Tennessee that has an old, old graveyard on it. The graves are not family members, so we don't know the history of them, but I think it would be interesting to find out.

I would love to schedule a vigil there at night while on vacation. No telling what we might see!

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Offline Peggy

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Re: What I do in Cemeteries
« Reply #4 on: Apr 27, 2007, 04:09:45 PM »
No, where I donate to isn't private at all.  I mean I take pictures for people's private collection as well, but I donate to websites. I have recently finally decided to donate to only one website,  and it's because its' the least commercial, and the folks there seem to be more in keeping of the spirit that I work within myself. 

:0) Hugs, Peg
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Re: What I do in Cemeteries
« Reply #5 on: Apr 27, 2007, 04:13:49 PM »

I have never pursued the history on that old cemetery, but the more experienced I become in Genealogy, the more I realize that more than likely (Not always) someone out there, has a history on the area.  I have an elusive great great grandfather.. thought I was done finding stuff on him. Went to a town that was near to one where he preached, and started going through old history books looking for a great grandfather on the other parents side, and low and behold! There he was!

I should have listed history as a hobby too...  I can't get enough... and a lot of the time it's there somewhere.    IF the history for those old cemeteries aren't there, they sure do deserve to be written!  :)

Hugs, Peg
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Offline Peggy

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Re: What I do in Cemeteries
« Reply #6 on: Apr 27, 2007, 04:16:49 PM »

To donate to, you just basically need pictures of headstones where you can read what is on the stone.  People there are not so much interested in the headstone as they are in what it says and that it reads as clearly as possible. 

There are graphical size limits too. I have a Canon Rebel that is a SLR 35 mm camera, and takes high resolution shots.  I have to sample down every picture I take before I can donate them.

Anyways, to donate, you have to become a member... sort of like here.  Username, password, etc.  So, if you join, I"m on there as pegrowe62. There is a way we can have "friends" there, I'll be glad to be yours!!

Hugs, Peg
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