Spirit Hunting > Other

Deja Vu

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Do any of you think of deja vu as a sign?

Whenever I get it, I really stop and think about what is going on at the moment and wonder why I had a premonition of the event.

I have had deja vu.  I'm not sure if it is a sign or not but I am curious to see what others think.

Deja vu to me is more a strong feeling that I have been somewhere before or done something before exactly as it is being done now. A strong enough feeling to make me stop and think and feel. It is more of a memory from the past (often not my own)  than a chilling thought for the future. I quite like it and I'm not even sure why.

I think the same way, Tina. Makes me wonder if the same exact thing happened in a past life....

I like it, too. Sort of a weird feeling... :grinnnn:

Happens to Johnny and me a lot and I often wonder what is the purpose of it.  It's like there's a realization that I've been here before or done exactly this before or said exactly this in the same experience before.  There's got to be a reason for it.


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