Author Topic: The Ovilus  (Read 5361 times)

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Offline Shaman

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The Ovilus
« on: Jan 09, 2010, 05:53:39 PM »
Have any of you seen this device used?  It is like a talking translator for spirits.  Apparently, they can use their energy to manipulate the device to form words.  There is a phonetic setting on the device, and a vocabulary setting, so depending on how it is switched, it will either try and form words, or select them from the data bank of words in the device.  I have watched a few ghost hunting shows on TV where the groups have used it.  Pretty compelling stuff.  I am amazed at what they have done and feel that they are now bridging the gap between the mortal world and spirit world.  The Ovilus is out of production, but remains one of the highest demand items for many ghost hunters.  The inventor/manufacturer is working on a newer model now that will be a hybrid between the Ovilus, and another device previously used (Puck).  I am totally fascinated by this, and want one, but I am torn over this issue - let me explain why.  I am sure some of you have read what I posted regarding Ouija Boards.  For those who have not, I strongly discouraged it, since I felt it was a magnet to attract dark entities/negative spirits.  I personally experienced the side effects of using Ouija Boards.  There just seems to be something inherent in the board that draws dark energy.  Not having had any experience with the Ovilus, or the upcoming new hybrid, I am very cautious.  However, I dont' "sense" anything inherently dark about the device itself.

Rather than go to you tube and do a bad job of linking videos for you, I would encourgage you to go there and do a quick search of The Ovilus, there will be many videos available to view.  I am convinced that there is true communication going on here and I thought I would float it out to the group and see what your thoughts might be.

There was a presale of the newer model which ended on 12/31 (I didn't know about it), and they are not taking regular orders yet.

Offline bayou girl

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Re: The Ovilus
« Reply #1 on: Jan 09, 2010, 11:17:54 PM »
i would think, since it does not take a person to channel the energy, it would be more neutral.  but i also think that in general, the negative spirits have more vested in getting to this side.  so might be more likely to use it the way they do ouija boards.  i don't think ouija boards are inherently bad or evil, i just think they are like lights are to moths.  the moths are irritating at best around the light, but if they get in the house, they can be a problem.
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Offline Jayrod1972

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Re: The Ovilus
« Reply #2 on: Jan 10, 2010, 05:54:40 PM »
I have noticed they have been using these deivices on Paranormal State and the show with Zac and the other 2 guys.... they have also used a device that uses radio white noise... so far ai have only seen this on Pyscic kids...Not sure if T.A.P.S. has used these tech. devices yet..... There is a new show coming out on A&E i think called Paranormal Cops.... so far I have only noticed 1 showing so far.. might be to see if it gets any ratings.
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Offline bestofour

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Re: The Ovilus
« Reply #3 on: Apr 20, 2010, 12:59:53 PM »
Where is Shaman?


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