Gardening > Vegetables and Fruit
Just started my Veggie Garden
After my tree fell in my yard I decided to use the area as a vegetable garden and at least make the best use of the room...Nothing would grow there ... so I dug it out added some nice top soil Loam and Planted
8 corn stocks,50 onions ,about 30 garlic, 6 habenaro, 6 super chilis, 15 japalenos, 12 bell Peppers and 12 Roma tomatoes
Its a bit crooked but you cant tell by looking at it From the street 8)
Wow! :o That is neat that you were able to turn something bad happening into a good result. Sounds like you have a salsa garden going on!
Not to be negative, but will passersby keep their grubby little paws off your veggies? You might need to set some heavy-duty traps out there to discourage them! I'd say bear traps, but I would be afraid you would get sued if you caught someone. ::) Can you imagine whoever's surprise if they reached for an ear of corn and got nipped by a mousetrap? :D
Hmmmm...might not be a good idea, after all!
Patty S:
Wow, Rita! That's going to look even better when those plants get bigger! (and the rows won't look crooked at all, by then!) I'm guessing too, that you make your own salsa.
--- Quote ---You might need to set some heavy-duty traps out there to discourage them! I'd say bear traps, but I would be afraid you would get sued if you caught someone.
--- End quote ---
You wouldn't be lonesoome in jail though, cuz Dianna would be in cuffs too, for conspiracy! (And you have proof right here, that it was her idea!)
I say just put up a sign that says NO PICKY & don't listen to our resident trouble maker!
Can't wait to see pics of this in another six weeks or so!
Now that is using your available space. Looking good and don't worry about the crooked rows. Let's see you can tell folks that you planned it that way. If they were straight at some point the plants might end up shading each other and you don't want that. ;D
Does sound like you are making some hot salsa! :o
--- Quote ---You wouldn't be lonesoome in jail though, cuz Dianna would be in cuffs too, for conspiracy!
--- End quote ---
:o :o :o
Did you not see my "disclaimer", Patty?
--- Quote ---Hmmmm...might not be a good idea, after all!
--- End quote ---
;) ;) ;)
BTW, lonesome only has 2 o's in it, not three! ::) Gotcha!
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