Author Topic: Wildlife in God's Garden  (Read 4970 times)

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Offline Peggy

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Wildlife in God's Garden
« on: Jun 11, 2007, 01:32:24 PM »
I guess, if you look at the photos, you should pay attention the baby elm tree, and the blackberry above the birds nest.. hehehe, that way, the story will stay within the bounds of gardening!!! lol

but, really, I'm just sharing more photos.... the one close up of the nest is the only really good quality photo.... but it's fun... it's all fun!!!


This weekend was free fishing weekend in Oregon. It happens so far as I know, one weekend a year. It is where folks of all ages can fish for fish, and shellfish (clams, crabs) without a license.

On Saturday I took the kids about a mile from our house to a place on Cow Creek known by gold prospectors as Lawson's Bar. I took them there, because in a certain area where we had swam last year, I saw fish. lol, good reason!  I figured if nothing else, they'd get some practice. The next day we took them to Hemlock Lake where people were reeling in tons and tons of trout. How we ended with only two, when other folks were taking home stringers of 10 fish or more, I'll  never know.

Anyways, while the kids fished on Lawson's Bar, I crocheted, and was just casually watching this little bird flit around on the rocks on the bar itself. She kind of had a high pitched peep... she sang the same note pretty much over and over again. I pointed her out to Diane and told her that the bird must be hunting for bugs on the rocks... 

Diane ran out of patience for fishing and she played, and Wes continued to fish.

(Diane playing)

Wesley LOVES to fish! I think he inherited more than my father's good looks, he also inherited from his grandpa the love of fishing!  lol, he finds that fishing is relaxing and that all his cares kind of go away.  He was fun to watch this weekend... he put on his oldest, most beat up ball cap, pinned on his little jig holder to his hat and adorned it with his special jig that Pastor Hilary gave him years ago.  I was very surprised when I looked at his tackle box and found it very well taken care of... I knew he always loved fishing, I had not realized he was still taking care of his fishing tackle so well.  On Saturday, the only useable rod he had was the one the same pastor had given him, so that is what he used. (Wes is bi polar, and can be a real challenge, so realizing that he still really loves it is a Good thing!!!)  :Glee:

(Wes Fishing)

My attention's were basically on this bird... I wanted to know what kind she was, and what kind of bugs she was hunting,etc., etc.  Finally I saw her go under a bushy plant and sit down.. and that is when I wondered if perhaps she had a nest. She got scared and ran away a few more times, and each time I watched her as she ran around, and now, I was realizing she was trying to lead us away from her nest, and then she'd eventually when things felt safe for her, she'd go back and try to sit again. 

(I took a picture of her sitting on a rock watching me.... it's bit blurry.)

Now, I knew she had a nest. So, I grabbed camera and walked over and found four beautiful speckled eggs lieing in a nest of twigs. The eggs were big in porportion of the bird's size... I felt the sympathy pains for this poor little bird trying to lay these, and  needless to say, I took photos.

Eventually, Clyde joined us after he was done with this jaunt into the wilds looking for gold...
By the time he got to us, I had switched over to the telephoto lense and was in active pursuit of this poor little bird.  I was trying very hard to get as close as I could to her while she was on her nest.  This lense requires that we be as still as we can be, and I'm fairly shaky, so eventually, Clyde took the camera and rested in my car window and got an ok picture of the bird on her nest.  Maybe you can find her, I was amazed at how well camoflaughed she really was....

I do have to add just one more blurb here... I took this last photo, becasue I look at this grass growing our local rivers and wonder why in the world it won't grow in my pond...I've already tried transplanting some.. my guess is that my pond is too deep, and that I need to learn to contain the soil. But, I look and dream!!!

Have a really wonderful day!!! peg



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Offline Patty S

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Re: Wildlife in God's Garden
« Reply #1 on: Jun 11, 2007, 02:02:14 PM »
Peg, I got your e-mail with these pics in it, & was hoping you'd post them here!  AWESOME!!! The kids both look like they're having fun... what a clever way to occupy them so you can have some kick back time!   We need a closeup shot of Wes one of these days... he really is a good looking young man! (Line your kid pics up with ours, in the "Babies, Babies everywhere!" thread if you want to.)

:idea: I wonder if Keith would want to tear himself away from his recliner so we could follow you around on one of your outings this summer! (We could pack up a picnic & bring BG.) You guys seem to find the neatest places to go! I think we've been in Douglas County longer than you have & don't even know what's out there! :thslap: (We'll talk soon, eh?)

Sure looks like those are Killdeer eggs, like the ones Jim has been posting over in the Pet Palace!
                          ...As usual!

Offline Dianna

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Re: Wildlife in God's Garden
« Reply #2 on: Jun 11, 2007, 04:19:58 PM »
I'm with Patty, I think it is killdeer eggs. When "Momma" was trying to lead you away from the nest, did she act as if she had a broken wing? Their antics are fun to watch!  :D

I guess, if you look at the photos, you should pay attention the baby elm tree, and the blackberry above the birds nest.. hehehe, that way, the story will stay within the bounds of gardening!!!

Peggy, if you are worried about trying to find a proper place to exhibit your pictures, you could always start a topic under hobbies entitled "Photography". Seems like that is a favorite past-time for you and I know that we enjoy all the pictures you share... :)

How old are your children? It is nice to see that you are enjoying getting out into nature with them. Enjoy it while you can. When my son got old enough to get out with his buddies to fish, he never had time to go with Mom. ;)

And, yes, I also think Patty said it well about showing off your kids in the "Babies" thread. I have been thinking about posting my "kids" in there, too, though they have flown the nest and made their own. They grow up so very fast! Maybe I will just shock them and they will see baby pics from years ago when they pop in next time!  :laughmao:

« Last Edit: Jun 11, 2007, 04:29:15 PM by Dianna »
"Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dream. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success." - Lao Tzu

Offline Peggy

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Re: Wildlife in God's Garden
« Reply #3 on: Jun 11, 2007, 11:34:00 PM »
Hi Patty,
please excuse me if this message gets messed up, I'm trying to learn to quote. lol
"We need a closeup shot of Wes one of these days... he really is a good looking young man! (Line your kid pics up with ours, in the "Babies, Babies everywhere!" thread if you want to.)"

Yes, I was thinking about Wes, I took a few pictures of him last summer, and they are great, but it's time for new ones... When I get it together, I will put them up in the Babies area... I hadn't seen that area.  I was really worried about posting this, I do not want to step on toes, or do anything wrong... even though my last post probably makes me look a bit... um, strong willed...

yup, I am.. MY Momma, couldn't wait for me to have kids of my own so I could experience payback.. and you know..that was all from what I Supposedly did as a toddler! lol, as a little kid and teenager, I was a good girl! hahahaha, I've been more a terror in my adulthood. hahaha!!

:idea: I wonder if Keith would want to tear himself away from his recliner so we could follow you around on one of your outings this summer! (We could pack up a picnic & bring BG.) You guys seem to find the neatest places to go! I think we've been in Douglas County longer than you have & don't even know what's out there!"

Patty, you and Keith are welcome anytime. I've told Clyde you'd like to join us, and he is excited... we both would love to have friends we can do this stuff with... he brings home the most interesting characters... his first friend, he met while gold panning.. the man admitted he had a record...ok, I over looked that... then his wife gets into the mix, and I end up with missing thyroid meds....  I found out later she was a nurse and also has a record...been caught stealing prescription drugs... duh!!!

His friend now.. is an 82 year old man, who is a dirty old man.. and I have a fairly good sense of humor.. but he took it too far, and now when I know he's coming around, I make myself scarce...  Clyde has talked to him, and as far as I know he's being good now... but, the line was crossed in such a way, that I don't want to be around him anymore.

My uncle once told me that I was a "weird person magnet".  I dunno.. what I know is that we are both real excited, and hope that you will really go exploring with us...

Sure looks like those are Killdeer eggs, like the ones Jim has been posting over in the Pet Palace!

I've never seen killdeer eggs... and you know.. the bird was shaped like a killdeer, and talked like a killdeer.. but until now, I've only seen killdeer in Ohio (spent 10 years there, ick).. and it's not marked the same way as the ones in Ohio..but I know that doesn't mean it's not one..
I think I'm going to buy an audobon field guide one of these days!!  Do people have killdeers for pets?? that is an interesting thought!!
           Thank you....Peg
« Last Edit: Jun 11, 2007, 11:49:00 PM by pegrowe62 »
How are you?  I'm great!  Glad to see you! Hope we meet again!

Offline Peggy

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Re: Wildlife in God's Garden
« Reply #4 on: Jun 11, 2007, 11:43:54 PM »
ok, Dianna, now I'm going to practice trying to quote with your message! lol
you are all my guinea pigs tonight!!

I'm with Patty, I think it is killdeer eggs. When "Momma" was trying to lead you away from the nest, did she act as if she had a broken wing? Their antics are fun to watch!  :D 

You know, this one acted funny, I think that is what got my attention to begin with... but, I kind of think maybe she was acting like she had a broken leg or something... her wings were up on her body, as far as I remember.. but she bobbed her little behind around... and limped. lol, It was really cute. hahaha


Peggy, if you are worried about trying to find a proper place to exhibit your pictures, you could always start a topic under hobbies entitled "Photography". Seems like that is a favorite past-time for you and I know that we enjoy all the pictures you share... :)

Thank you, I was concerned, and I never thought to start a topic like that. I really do like to be friendly with folks.. 

How old are your children? It is nice to see that you are enjoying getting out into nature with them. Enjoy it while you can. When my son got old enough to get out with his buddies to fish, he never had time to go with Mom. ;)

And, yes, I also think Patty said it well about showing off your kids in the "Babies" thread. I have been thinking about posting my "kids" in there, too, though they have flown the nest and made their own. They grow up so very fast! Maybe I will just shock them and they will see baby pics from years ago when they pop in next time!  :laughmao:

My kids.... are Pamela Ann aka Makkie... 24, Wesley William...16 1/2, and Diane.. 8.  Makkie has a best friend, Janea who adopted me when she was 10, and she is 22 now. They of course, have been a priceless edition to my life... I've been through all kinds of stuff with them... once had a therapist tell me that it was oldest's job to try to kill me, and my job to stay alive... but you know, we got through the teenager years, and she's sweet.. and loving...
and I just can't ask for much more than that.... If my other two come out as well, I will consider it a job well done. lol

I think I figured out the quotes!!!
thanks much, peg
How are you?  I'm great!  Glad to see you! Hope we meet again!

Offline Patty S

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Re: Wildlife in God's Garden
« Reply #5 on: Jun 12, 2007, 03:20:39 AM »
Peggy, do you proofread when you're done writing?  :thslap:

Patty, you and Keith are welcome anytime. I've told Clyde you'd like to join us, and he is excited... we both would love to have friends we can do this stuff with...

My uncle once told me that I was a "weird person magnet".  I dunno..
I'm not going to go so far as to claim that we're not "weird", but thanks for the compliment! Rest assured though, that the only records we have are 33 1/3, 78 & 45 RPM... (even have a box of 8 tracks and a player!)  

We also have our own meds already, & have a ways to go before either of us will be in our 80's... or before we're likely to act like "dirty old" anythings!  Our senses of humor may be a little overbearing at times (especially if you can't keep up), but all in all, I think y'all will be safe with us!

I'll talk to Keith about getting outta the recliner!

Offline Peggy

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Re: Wildlife in God's Garden
« Reply #6 on: Jun 12, 2007, 03:40:41 AM »

Peggy, do you proofread when you're done writing?  :thslap:

i know we are safe with you! lol
you are a good friend.

yup, i proof read, i was sick today and had no business on the computer..
my keyboard is worn out, and i get frustrated with it, and if i don't feel good then i just kind of let the punctuation and words fall where they may.


ps.... you sound like one of my old teachers. hahahahaha!!!

hugs, peg
« Last Edit: Jun 12, 2007, 04:12:03 AM by Patty S »
How are you?  I'm great!  Glad to see you! Hope we meet again!

Offline Dianna

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Re: Wildlife in God's Garden
« Reply #7 on: Jun 12, 2007, 07:47:42 AM »
You know, Peggy, I thought your killdeer looked a little different, too, but was wondering if there were different types in the different areas of the country. Like hummingbirds? BTW, if you ever get a chance to get a pic of one of the hummingbirds in your area, I would love to see what type you have there... ;D

I was really worried about posting this, I do not want to step on toes, or do anything wrong... even though my last post probably makes me look a bit... um, strong willed...

No problems posting, Peggy. If there is somewhere else that the post would be more appropriate, we will be happy to move it and send you a PM telling you where! ;) We even have problems, sometimes, deciding exactly where something should go. :laugh1: The only thing you would be doing wrong, would be to decide NOT to post because you are not sure of where to locate it!

I am sure that you and Clyde would have a great time bumming around with Keith and Patty. Make sure that she leaves her  :Whack: at home, though! And don't forget to take pictures! :picture:

once had a therapist tell me that it was oldest's job to try to kill me, and my job to stay alive... but you know, we got through the teenager years

Surviving the teenage years is quite an accomplishment! :laugh1: If you make it through the next two kids, you have got it whupped! One day you will be able to sit back and watch the grands put your kids through what you went through with them, and will be able to sit back and laugh about it! ;) I fully believe their kids will make them pay for what they did to you. :Halo: I want a ring-side seat with mine!

I really do like to be friendly with folks..

You have! And we are enjoying it, too!

"Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dream. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success." - Lao Tzu

Offline Jim

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Re: Wildlife in God's Garden
« Reply #8 on: Jun 12, 2007, 08:17:27 AM »
I agree with Dianna and Patty.  Sure looks like a killdeer nest to me.  At first the shot of the bird looks like it doesn't match but if you Google killdeer images, the second image looks very similar and is in Oregon.  These birds are common in much of Canada, United States, and Mexico.

Here is an article about killdeer with a great description of their "broken wing" act.

Now that you have the quote thing figured out, show Dianna and Patty.   :idea: I have to guess at who they are quoting some times if there are more than a few posts.  :SmileyQmarks:

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Offline Dianna

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Re: Wildlife in God's Garden
« Reply #9 on: Jun 12, 2007, 11:40:13 AM »
by Peggy:
My uncle once told me that I was a "weird person magnet".

I think it is still working. ;D Now you have Patty wanting to hang out with y'all. :laughmao:

by Jim:
I have to guess at who they are quoting some times if there are more than a few posts.

Does that help you out, Honey?  :rofl1: I will try to remember that you can't keep up with who said what if I don't tell you who said what when they said what! Confused now? I am... :laugh1:
« Last Edit: Jun 12, 2007, 11:41:54 AM by Dianna »
"Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dream. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success." - Lao Tzu

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Re: Wildlife in God's Garden
« Reply #10 on: Jun 12, 2007, 12:13:21 PM »
by Peggy:
My uncle once told me that I was a "weird person magnet".

I think it is still working. ;D Now you have Patty wanting to hang out with y'all. :laughmao:

by Jim:
I have to guess at who they are quoting some times if there are more than a few posts.

Does that help you out, Honey?  :rofl1: I will try to remember that you can't keep up with who said what if I don't tell you who said what when they said what! Confused now? I am... :laugh1:

Or as you can see and Peggy found out, the system does it quite well.
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