Author Topic: What's your garden style?  (Read 4474 times)

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Offline barleychown

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What's your garden style?
« on: Jun 15, 2007, 06:11:31 PM »
What's your garden style? Is it formal? Minimal? Veggies only? Cottage?

My style is definitely cottage garden. I love full lush beds, mounds of plants with no "real" plan. I love winding paths and secret gardens.  :grinnnn:
« Last Edit: Jun 15, 2007, 06:13:19 PM by barleychown »
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Offline Bonnie

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Re: What's your garden style?
« Reply #1 on: Jun 15, 2007, 06:16:45 PM »
I don't have a garden. I guess my style would be whatever my neighbor has.


I do  have a mater in the bag and an edible purslane
This is me ->?

Offline Tina

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Re: What's your garden style?
« Reply #2 on: Jun 15, 2007, 11:18:44 PM »
I have been going for "overgrown" for years. But this years style is "fried". No rain to speak of after unusual frosts have burned my posies up. I'm just trying to keep things alive right now.
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Offline Patty S

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Re: What's your garden style?
« Reply #3 on: Jun 16, 2007, 02:15:43 AM »
What's your garden style?
Funny thing... I was just wondering that myself, as BG & I planted some bedding plants today.

I've seen lots of gardens while visiting the other gals who belong to the garden club, & I've noticed that most of them have scattered their plants around... annuals among the perennials, & the same flower in several locations, rather than planted together.  BG has been to some of these homes with me, & I asked her what she thought was the "right" way to do it.  She replied, "I think if it's your yard, any way you want to do it is the right way!" (No help there!)

I don't know that I have a "style"! :unsure: I have "food plants" in my flower beds, such as rhubarb & chives, cuz I'd rather not have perennials in my veggie garden (that limits where I'm able to rotate things from year to year), & I'd rather have my annuals in the same bed & I don't like to scatter the same flower around in that bed. (cuz I like my pics to be of only one type of flower per shot... cuts down on confusion when IDing them, & harvesting seeds! My confusion!)
Since this is only my 3rd year of growing flowers, I think my style would probably be called "beginner"! :ScratchHead:

Tina, I'm so sorry you're not getting the enjoyment out of your yard that you've had in the past. I've seen your flower pics before, & you have the most awesome plants, ever! I hope you can keep them alive, so if the weather straightens out, we'll get to see more pics this year. (Don't lose hope.).

Bonnie, I've seen too many of your flower pics, to believe that you "dont have a garden"! :rolleyes1:
:critic: Anywhere you have something growing IS a garden!
« Last Edit: Jun 16, 2007, 02:31:19 AM by Patty S »

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Re: What's your garden style?
« Reply #4 on: Jun 16, 2007, 07:19:25 AM »
I'm a specimen garden freak.  When I invision my personal perfect place it is on a height with terraces falling down the hill and each terrace is broken into different types of gardens.  There is a fountain that is shaped like a stained glass window with mosaics instead of glass.  It flows into two reflecting pool that are shaped like the center windows of a church that would support the rose window.  You know they are columar but come to a rounded point at the "top" on each side of these would be knot gardens that were made to look like stained glass windows.  below that would be a rose garden with tree roses acting like sentinals along the sides and with trellis creating a support for climbing roses that would face back toward the house.  On the level below that would be a cottage garden area complete with a miniature cottage/garden shed.  Below that would be the bog/water garden complete with waterfall and grotto.  And below that would be the zen garden.  And below that would be the farm with the fruit and nut orchards stretching along the north side of the property and a bay laurel as well.  And windmills along the center of the property so the legs could be used to support vining fruits and veggies and the south side being the small plants that are planted in succession like radishes, carrots, lettuce, onions and so on. 

Not that I've thought about this at all lol.


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Re: What's your garden style?
« Reply #5 on: Jun 16, 2007, 08:26:22 AM »
 Hi barleychown, ain't posted along side you in a spell :hi:
 :ScratchHead: guess our's would be
MAXIMUM food production style :laughmao:

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Re: What's your garden style?
« Reply #6 on: Jun 18, 2007, 09:32:08 PM »
I wouldn't know what to call my garden style. :unsure: I love 'em all. Formal, cottage, veggie, mix match, wild, etc...

I am planning on having different gardens for all of my loved ones who have passed on. It is a project that I have in my head that I still have to get in the dirt. It will be interesting to see the different gardens that I create. Maybe then we can figure out what type of garden I prefer... ;D

Sarah, your garden pictures are so beautiful. I love how your landscaping. I wish I could afford to fly you out here and give you the money to create my little Eden...

As for Aunt Bonnie, she has a cottage garden look going on close to her swimming pool. She has some beautiful verbena by her patio with four o'clocks close by. She, also, has some gorgeous gladiolas out there, with the dianthus. Her garden areas are beautiful when they are blooming. Her garden gate is going to be filled with the red honeysuckle and, I think, she planted some cypress vine out there, too. Iris, lilies, "amarillos" all have found a place in her gardens. She has a green thumb, for sure!

Tina, I am so sorry to hear that you still haven't had the rain to nurture your gardens. I know that your gardens have always been beautiful in the pictures I have seen. I hope you get some rain soon to get rid of that fried look...

Like Patty, I would say mine is a beginner garden style. If I plant something and like it, I will keep it. If I don't, it moves on. I do like things to be orderly, but I always end up with the hodge-podge effect. I think it is because I don't do enough research before I decide to plant...

Duh, sounds like your dream garden would be a formal type. I bet it would be beautiful, too.

Phil, I saw pics of your gardens. That MAXIMUM food production style sure has it's merits, doesn't it?

I would love to be able to put all my designs for my gardens down and paper and have them instantly done. Unless we win the lottery, though, it will be a garden at a time...
« Last Edit: Jun 18, 2007, 09:35:53 PM by Dianna »
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