Gardening > Gardeners Chat

Another way to propogate Plants - Air Layering

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With some softwood plants it is easy to start a new plant by scraping the bark off of a 1/2 inch area of a branch on the downward facing side, apply root stimulator to the cut, and then bend the branch down until to touches soil.  Then put something heavy on top of it to keep it there.  After awhile that area will develop roots and you can cut it away from the parent plant and have a brand new plant. 

This does not work with all plants so it's best to research the particular plant you are interested in propogating before you do this. 

I have seen my momma root roses that way she would lay a brick on top of the branch. I will try it with the Mock Orange.


I'll cross my fingers
...and my toes
... and my arms
... and my legs

Don't forget your eyes, Duh!  :laugh1:

I've got all possibles crossed for you!  ;)

...and eyes  :Wacko: lol


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