Gardening > Vegetables and Fruit
If you grow lettuce, what type do you prefer?
I'm doing lettuce for the first time this year, and while I'm enjoying the several types I tossed into the same bed, I have no idea which is which, and the picky people I live with are complaining that some of it is bitter.
I'm sure I look funny bent over the lettuce bed tasting each different kind. :laughmao:
I'm sure I tossed "black seeded simpson" in there, and I think it's pretty good.
What are some of your favorites?
Definitely Romaine and I like spinach in my salads too.
we love lettuce, and do small, two person plantings throughout the season.
As for type, romaine and Coz, but through the years of seed saving, I have a "mix" that is hearty, reliable and delicious!...
We tried growing lettuce one time. I think it was green leaf lettuce. When I harvested it, it was bitter, also. Of course, with me being a new gardener at the time, I didn't know that it was the wrong season to try growing it in SC. It was mid-summer and hotter than hades. The lettuce started what I learned later was called bolting. It sure wasn't my favorite crop that year... :laughmao:
I like all different kinds of lettuce and might try again sometime. I will be keeping up with this topic to find out the best-flavored. I think spinach would be a good one to try for my next salad crop... :grinnnn:
i'm with you Dianna trying to figure out when to plant it is a biggy. I found two that would grow here but both were from france and very bitter to me. Although the leaves were very pretty on the one.
I'll probably always try to grow it just because I love salads but it sure is a picky plant.
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