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Topic: Bartlett Pear Help (Read 12116 times)
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Elite Member
Posts: 10,068
Gentle Gypsy
Bartlett Pear Help
Apr 22, 2011, 10:12:05 AM »
The trunk of the bartlett pear is covered in little green worms. What's going on here. And what do I do?
Elite Member
Posts: 34,339
Naughty Nymph
Re: Bartlett Pear Help
Reply #1 on:
Apr 22, 2011, 12:56:17 PM »
That is not a good sign, Tammy. Certainly not a normal thing to happen. If you do not have insecticides to use I would use my liquid dish detergent and spray the heck out of them. It will not hurt the trunk at all but if it is thick on the leaves it can hurt those. If I had a bunch I may put some on the trunk without diluting. Kind of a sticky feet kind of cure.
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Elite Member
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Gentle Gypsy
Re: Bartlett Pear Help
Reply #2 on:
Apr 23, 2011, 08:20:25 AM »
Ok, I went out and applied the sevin to the infected bartlett pear and to the rest of the fruit trees as well. I don't think the bartlett is going to make it. It only has it's top foliage. Those worms work fast the tree was fine and then it was eaten. I didn't even realize what was happening. Well I'll know better in the future. Hopefully one of the cuttings I took will grow so I'll at least have a replacement without spending another 30 bucks.
So while I was out there I looked around. The golden azalea is gone. But I have new leaves on the royal red hydrangea and the double mock orange so that's way cool. The spirea from bestofour is growing. It is twice the size it was when it bloomed this year.
In the ditch bed I've planted day lilies over the top of blackberry lilies evidently. I seem to do that kind of thing a great deal. The sedum seems to have survived my transplanting skills so that's a good thing. The Stella Dora seeds are comming along well so I'm excited about that. They are less than an inch high at the moment but probably another inch up and I'll give each seedling it's own yogurt cup.
The climbing peace roses aren't doing anything yet but I still have hope. One of the three the leaves are turning red. I never understand what's happening when roses do that. The Red miniature crepe myrtle has leafed out. The ice plant is greening up which is cool and one of the irises in that bed has bloomed. A white one.
In the tree bed the columbines have buds along with 3 of the peonies. The violet azalea is in bloom along with the lilies of the valley. I lost one of the two bachelor buttons. The old fashioned wegila is blooming but the varigated is not. I think it is still to small. The lavender is doing ok but not great. It's still quite small. The primrose has finished blooming for the year. All of the herbs are doing well. Even the lemon balm came back. I was worried about that sucker because it required so much water last year. The Med Bells have buds so they are doing fine. And the ornamental grass is starting to come out.
My Red miniature rose is looking fantastic this year. it has really filled in and looks great. I hope the orange one follows suit. I got it one year later so this year it is small but if it acts like the red one it's going to be great next year. I only lost one of the mums so I'm not complaining. I'm going to move the one I brought with me when I came here to the location of the dead one. The purvian daffodils have not sent up any green yet this year but I don't remember if that is normal or not. The irises at the corner of the house are in bloom and it really is a nice look I think.
The first leaf of the Tropicanna has poked it's nose out of the ground which I'm happy to see. I was thinking it was a goner since it didn't bloom or grow last year. The chocolate mint is doing well and spreading just like I wanted it to.
And I think that's about it for now. I know I really should get out there and get pictures. I'm so bad about that.
Elite Member
Posts: 23,162
Sunny Sylph
Re: Bartlett Pear Help
Reply #3 on:
Apr 23, 2011, 08:35:09 AM »
Sounds like your garden is doing great! Sorry about the pear tree, but maybe it will come back now that the you took care of the worms.
Dear Lord, On this day, please wrap your arm around my shoulder and keep your hand over my mouth. Amen
bayou girl
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Shadow Spirit
Re: Bartlett Pear Help
Reply #4 on:
Apr 23, 2011, 10:39:47 AM »
i was going to say, don't give up on the pear if it has any leaves left at all. it could come back
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Elite Member
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Gentle Gypsy
Re: Bartlett Pear Help
Reply #5 on:
Apr 23, 2011, 06:40:41 PM »
I won't give up but I'm not going to be optimistic either. Things just are not going well for me right now.
Elite Member
Posts: 10,068
Gentle Gypsy
Re: Bartlett Pear Help
Reply #6 on:
Apr 24, 2011, 11:27:55 AM »
Here is a picture of the tree. The ground around it is full of dead bugs, yuck.
Elite Member
Posts: 23,162
Sunny Sylph
Re: Bartlett Pear Help
Reply #7 on:
Apr 24, 2011, 11:35:30 AM »
You still have quite a bit of leaf on there. I bet that tree survives. Trees are pretty resilient.
Dear Lord, On this day, please wrap your arm around my shoulder and keep your hand over my mouth. Amen
Elite Member
Posts: 10,068
Gentle Gypsy
Re: Bartlett Pear Help
Reply #8 on:
Apr 24, 2011, 11:45:56 AM »
Well I'll keep my eye on it. I'm supose to spray it again next week according to the bottle. I'm keeping an eye on the rest of my fruit trees to. I don't want the little buggers moving from one to the other. The moonglo is pretty eaten up too but it still has fruit on the top.
Elite Member
Posts: 34,339
Naughty Nymph
Re: Bartlett Pear Help
Reply #9 on:
Apr 24, 2011, 03:25:44 PM »
Next fall, when your trees have lost their leaves, try some dormant oil to protect them over winter, Tammy.
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Elite Member
Posts: 10,068
Gentle Gypsy
Re: Bartlett Pear Help
Reply #10 on:
Apr 24, 2011, 03:29:32 PM »
I'm definitely going to try and do that. For some reason I'm usually broke in the fall but I'll try to put some aside for that. I definitely need to do something.
Elite Member
Posts: 34,339
Naughty Nymph
Re: Bartlett Pear Help
Reply #11 on:
Apr 24, 2011, 03:34:16 PM »
Buy it before fall? Put it in your shed until needed?
Friends are like bras, close to your heart and all about support
Elite Member
Posts: 10,068
Gentle Gypsy
Re: Bartlett Pear Help
Reply #12 on:
Apr 25, 2011, 07:39:39 AM »
Nope no money then either. That is unless social services decides to help with the electric bills this summer. But usually the help isn't enough to offset the cost of the heating anymore. I'm sorry I'm just in a really bad mood today. I shouldn't even be on a forum.
Jr. Member
Posts: 319
Re: Bartlett Pear Help
Reply #13 on:
Apr 26, 2011, 02:55:38 PM »
Good Luck with your tree, It should pull through, but a couple of things you can do to help it, make sure it is mulched well, to keep the roots cool and hold in moisture for the summer, also you may want to give it some watering depending on your rain fall. Looseing the leaves like that can stress a tree, especially if we have a hot summer. I lost a very large established oak summer before last because of some type of worm that ate all the leaves...followed by the hot summer, it never did recover, the following spring it was dead..got a lot of firewood out of it. Good luck
Elite Member
Posts: 10,068
Gentle Gypsy
Re: Bartlett Pear Help
Reply #14 on:
Apr 28, 2011, 06:41:01 AM »
Thanks, Uncleg I'll add mulch to next months list of things to get. I don't want to loose these trees if I can avoid it.
Jr. Member
Posts: 319
Re: Bartlett Pear Help
Reply #15 on:
May 04, 2011, 08:12:24 PM »
Just a thought, not sure but from your pics there looks to be a wooded area near your yard...leaves and pinestraw would make an excellent mulch for the tree....it also breaks down faster so that it helps improve your soil. Just a thought and its free...my favorite price.
Elite Member
Posts: 10,068
Gentle Gypsy
Re: Bartlett Pear Help
Reply #16 on:
May 05, 2011, 08:43:24 AM »
Oh yes I have many many leaves lol. I'll grind some up and put them around that tree.
One of the cuttings has put it's first leaves out I hope it does well just in case the mature tree doesn't.
bayou girl
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Posts: 26,456
Shadow Spirit
Re: Bartlett Pear Help
Reply #17 on:
May 05, 2011, 11:45:29 AM »
tammy, if you run out of oomph, or even if you don't, you can rake the leaf litter up around the tree without grinding it. that is better than nothing and it will break down.
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Elite Member
Posts: 10,068
Gentle Gypsy
Re: Bartlett Pear Help
Reply #18 on:
May 06, 2011, 07:59:36 AM »
Of course all the leaves are already removed from that area, but I have plenty more. I just haven't had the umph to get out there and do anything yet. I will though. I bought the fruit spikes and when I put those in I'll probably get the mulching done too.
Elite Member
Posts: 10,068
Gentle Gypsy
Re: Bartlett Pear Help
Reply #19 on:
May 22, 2011, 10:27:04 AM »
Well the pears have regrown their leaves since I put down the spikes. So, although I may have lost the harvest this year I at least appear to have saved the trees. Thank you so much for your advice and support that made that possible.
The plumbs are getting bigger so it looks like I'll have a harvest there anyway, crossing my fingers.
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Bartlett Pear Help
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