Gardening > Vegetables and Fruit
Blossom End Rot???
I just noticed that the end of my summer squash are rotting off :Crybaby: :SlapSelf: I know I seen something around about it but I am unsure of where it was....
How do you stop this from happening???
PLEASE tell me there is an easy or good cure for this... Poor little Squash were about 2 1/2 inches long...
by Pharmerphil:
--- Quote ---1 tablespoon of Epsom Salts per foot of tomato plant, worked into the soil around the base of your plant, and you'll have no problems with blossom end rot.
--- End quote ---
This was the suggestion for tomato BER in another topic. I don't see why it wouldn't work for squash, too... ;)
Here is a page by Clemson Extension that may help you to keep it from happening.
:clap: Thanks Dianna... I thought I was all in the clear and the flowers were dissapearing and I noticed it looked like piece of the flower stuck to the squash... Looked closer and YUCK it was the nasty Rot!! :SmileyFear: Just hope I caught it in time!! :ThumbUp:
From what I've read that will work as long as there is calcium in the soil for the plant to absorb. If for some reason your soil is as poor as mine you may have to actually add the calcium to the soil. I did that using powdered egg shells that I saved from cooking hard boiled eggs and then ground in the coffee grinder lol. So if the epsom salts don't work that is a second option to try.
But if your having rain like I am that alone hitting the leaves can stop the plant from being able to absorb the calcium like it should.
Thanks I will keep that in my notebook too Duh... I really don't want to loose any more .... I will post a picture as soon I can load one up just in case it may be something else causing the problem! :ThumbUp:
OK here is the picture
*broken link removed*
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