Gardening > Vegetables and Fruit
104 temp today affecting my tomatoes and peppers
My tomatoes have had all their leaves crisped in this heat and the pepper leaves are wilted. Is there any chance these will recover. I haven't been able to do much with them since I've been sick.
The rain has come in short bursts that doesn't saturate the ground it just removes the topsoil. I am so disappointed. They were looking so good with all the tomatoes on the vine that I just knew I was finally going to have a fantastic year and then this.
So "Ice Cream" it. So to speak.
Sorry I'm just feeling a case of the "poor mes"
It was 88 here earlier and the temperature dropped to 86. Looks like we have some storm clouds moving in... :SmileyFear:
I am sorry to hear that you have been sick, Duh. I hope you get to feeling better soon... :-*
Is that why the plants have been crisping up? Not being able to get water out to them? If so, I would try giving them a little water and see if they will bounce back. It is worth a try. Good luck!
I think there are a lot of "poor me's" going around with this heat! :)
It is now 95 here ... I have been watering every evening and my peppers still wilt ... but bounce right back after being watered...
Hope you feel better soon!!
Thankyou both for you supportive words. I'll cross my crossables and keep on watering.
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