Spirited Places > Cemeteries
cemetery pics
Those are some really cool pics Christy~~!!
I agree with Wren, i wonder if you went back on a certain date, if you would see anything??
You did get some good pics. Ok so did it feel weird to walk through a cemetery and take pics?
I once used a cemetary for a project in an architecture class. Went through a really huge one, got loads of pics. Didnt feel weird.
Yes, some great pics. Are you planning on going back at night and see if you get anything? Be sure and check any local ordinances to make sure you don't get a visit from these guys. :police:
:Wow: :Wow: christy Great shots! what a cool crypt ... I really need to go to the one up the road and check it out.. it did say open to the public :ThumbUp: Maybe I can talk the ole grasshopper into going with me.
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