Author Topic: Any other investigations in the works  (Read 5810 times)

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Any other investigations in the works
« on: Oct 27, 2008, 12:30:41 AM »
Hi Everyone .. My name is Teresa from Gaffney SC.  I have not been on here in quit awhile.  I had a few surgeries and have been trying to get over them.  I am dieing to go an a investigation.  My daughter and I were thinking of going to the the Embassy Suits in Greenville, I have heard that there was some strange things happening there when they were building it, but can't find out if the activity is still going on or if it has stopped.  Do any of you know anything about this?  This would be our first investigation and I sure would like to go with some other that know what we should and should not do and to give us pointers.  If anyone thinks this is worth looking into more I will be glad to do any research that I can to help out.  Or if anyone has any other ideas of some place we could go please let me know. We are so looking forward to starting this,  :Yahoo: I am sure you all remember how excited you were on your first investigation,

Teresa from Gaffney (and Monica my daughter)

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Re: Any other investigations in the works
« Reply #1 on: Oct 27, 2008, 08:19:46 AM »
I don't believe we have anything else on the calendar right now.  That's not to say that something may not come up tomorrow. 

I haven't heard anything about the Embassy Suites in Greenville.  It may be mentioned on Tuesday evening when WIS Channel 10 is doing a segment on "Midlands Most Haunted".  I think it is supposed to be part of the news at 11:00.  We will definitely be watching that.

The best way to keep up on SSH activities is to check in here at least once every 90 days.  That keeps your account active.  Additionally have you daughter join as well.

Hope you are doing good and recovering well from the surgeries.
Former SMF Support Specialist

Offline OhioHauntedPlaces

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Re: Any other investigations in the works
« Reply #2 on: Mar 10, 2009, 10:11:40 AM »
Me and my crew will be investigation a very well knowned haunted prison its called Mansfield Prison i am so excited this a early b-day gift from my crew we will be doing the ghost hunt sometime in late Aug and there is a ghost walk where they take everyone to hot spots in the prison the prison is scary even in the daytime LOL and more creepy at nighttime.I swear its so pitch black in there its hard to see where u are going.I am going to ask the people there if the cemetery is still behide the prison i would love to investigate that as well.Me and my crew will be doing more investigations this spring and summer i am working on a list of places for us to investigate some of the places we want to check they are building still being used today.There is a bar here in Columbus OH is supposed housing a demonic entity its supposed to live in the basement and its also seen in the series of tunnels under the bar i might have to go over there and talk to the owner to see if he will grant me and my crew access to the tunnels.This will be our first demonic investigation.I know there are some not so friendly spirits in the Mansfield Prison i was there on one halloween nite with some friends of mine from work we were in the cell block area and i had my back to one of the cells talking to one of my friends i thought a friend of mine sneaked into the cell behide me and pushed me when i turned around noone was there and when i got home getting ready for bed i seen something on my back there was a red handprint on the middle of my spine that freaked me out and i talked some friends of mine the following day at work when they got home they said they had fingernail marks on the legs and arms.

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Re: Any other investigations in the works
« Reply #3 on: Mar 11, 2009, 05:25:12 PM »
If that happened to me there is no way I would be going back.  Be safe when you do go and investigate and be sure and let us know what happens.  It sounds exciting and terrifying all at the same time.

We are all under the same stars, therefore we are never far apart.

Offline OhioHauntedPlaces

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Re: Any other investigations in the works
« Reply #4 on: Mar 15, 2009, 05:12:09 PM »
I will do that i am just waiting to get hold of my crew they have been busy with their daytime jobs right now since i only have my evening job at the moment its so hard to find a daytime job here in Ohio.
Check out my site called .


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